Monday, December 3, 2007

What happens when someone makes a mistake

and a BIG mistake at that?

Well, in the case of Thompson Creek's trading activity today, the stock gets halted.

The following issues have been halted by Market Regulation Services (RS):
Issuer Name: Thompson Creek Metals
TSX Ticker Symbol: TCM
Time of Halt: 12:59 EST
Reason for Halt: To clear erroneous orders and to restore fair and orderly market
For further information: Market Regulation Services Inc., (416) 646-7299

Trading resumes in:
Issuer Name: Thompson Creek Metals Company Inc.
TSX Ticker Symbol: TCM
Resumption Time: 13:12 EST
For further information: Market Regulation Services Inc., (416) 646-7299

Here's the intraday chart to provide some insight as to what happened:

and the 1 year chart just for kicks:

Apparently, orders were actually undone according to at least one Stockhouse Bullboard poster so I question the accuracy of these charts in demonstrating today's activities. But these charts may cause trading software to trigger interesting recommendations and transactions in the days to come... let's see how it plays out.

And on a side note: Wouldn't it be nice to have an undo button on your trading platform?

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